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Nation's Restaurant News: Top 10 Mistakes

Baltimore. Elizabeth Large hat in den „Nation's Restaurant News“ eine Top 10-Liste von Fehlern aufgestellt, die Gäste begehen. Folgende Punkte sollten Gäste in Restaurants am Besten vermeiden:
  1. Making your reservation at 7 p.m. (like everyone else in Baltimore).
  2. Eating out on Mother's Day. Every other holiday I can think of reasons why you would want to eat out, but there are better ways to honor your mother than taking her out on the busiest restaurant day of the year.
  3. Not asking politely to be moved if you don't like your table because, say, the customer at the next table is wearing heavy perfume or you're seated too near the kitchen door.
  4. Not asking politely if loud music or the air conditioning can be turned down when you're uncomfortable. Sometimes servers can do something about it, sometimes they can't. But most restaurants want to be accommodating to their customers within reason.
  5. Ignoring what a restaurant does best when you order.
  6. Filling up on bread before your expensive dinner has arrived. 
  7. Making an enemy of your server by being rude. There are too many ways he or she can get back at you.
  8. Ordering the second least expensive wine on the list so you don't look cheap. Do you think restaurant owners don't know people do this and price their bottles accordingly? 
  9.  Ordering wine by the glass in a restaurant where wine probably doesn't move quickly.
  10. Ordering dessert unless the place is known for its desserts. By the time it comes, you realize how full you are from dinner. Besides, the price of desserts has risen in inverse proportion as the number of mixed drinks being consumed before dinner has dropped.


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